Saturday, May 31, 2014

A reasonably uneventful 1400 miles to Indiantown, FL.  Only one blowout, though the other three looked only a little better than the one in the picture below.  This is a sleepy town, a perfect place to begin staging Meadowlark's Gulf Stream crossing.  Looking like we may be here a while waiting for weather.  Seas are too choppy out there now.

She wants to be home in the water.  This high speed shit is not her forte

...nah it's good, just needs a little air.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Let's get a few things straight:  I have never done anything like this before.  I have never lived this far from family and friends, nor have I needed to rely on myself for such basic necessities like fresh water and electricity.  I will have nearly no bills to pay - I am the landlord, the navigator, the electrician, the mechanic, plumber/rigger/barber/cook/whatever.  My point is, I have a lot to learn.

There will be cussing, and a lot of it.  Also drinking and maybe some minor drug abuse.  Sorry (but not really) if it becomes offensive to some.  There will be blood, sweat and tears.  There will be accidents and unforeseen setbacks.

There will be crystal clear water like nowhere else on earth.  There will be picturesque sunsets and beaches at anchor.  There will be beautiful fish and beautiful women.

I'm amazed at the number of people who ask me "So what are you going to do there?" or "Aren't you going to get bored?"  I fear that people are forgetting what it is like to be bored and to have uninhibited freedom.  This blog should cover most of the things I'm doing.  And yea, I plan on getting very bored.  It's going to be awesome.

But for now, I'm in fucking Chattanooga.